Friday, 6 August 2010

Welcome to another two new followers!

Please help me welcome - Daisy!
Daisy has four blogs. - this one has some really nice miniature items, including a beautiful gingerbread house! The heading photo really made me feel the need to visit my pantry for something cake-like to eat! The food in this photo looks so yummy! - this one shows some really lovely handmade miniatures, and features her lovely gingerbread house again! - this one features hundreds giveaway links. There are some really nice pieces on here, so be sure to visit - else you'll regret it I promise. - this is her other blog which features some more miniatures and some more giveaways!

Be sure to visit Daisy's blogs and say hello!


Please, also help me welcome Casey!
Casey has just recently made to dome features, which are really inspiring and very pretty. She also has a funny little doll called Tessie, who always seems to find her way into the domes!

Make sure you stop by and say hello!

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