Saturday, 18 September 2010

Extremely long over-due post! Giveaway recieved!!

Okay so first of all I have a huge apology to make to Rachel at Miniaturemaids Blog (sorry I tried linking but it wouldnt work for some reason.)  because I have not posted this up straight away. I won first prize of Rachel's giveaway a couple of weeks or so ago, and I recieved the parcel on Tuesday. I rushed my socks off to get the parcle open as I was so excited.

When I finally got it open (you sealed it well Rachel!) I couldn't stop jumping up and down like a little girl at all the adorable items.
Here's a photo:

Apologies for my awful photo skills, the lightening wasn't very good either which didn't help.

My mom asked me which was my favourite item, and I could not tell her. I love all the items massively and I cannot wait to get them put into my house.

I was hoping to have the bedrooms finished, which is where all of these items will go, and then I could photograph them in place, but sadly I haven't managed that yet. Boooo!

Rachel, thank you so much for this wonderful prize. I love them to pieces and I have kept the card too, so hopefully one day, when I am skilled enough to make something as equally wonderful as you, I can send you something back to show my thanks! 

Now another apology, gosh I am such a bad person, I have a lot of welcome's to do, but I haven't the time right now - I am actually supposed to be studying for college but this post could not wait any longer. So I will post the welcomes soon along with the progress on my house. 

Big hugs!


  1. What wonderful minis..they are great.
    Congratulations!! -Kim :)

  2. Hi Shellby
    Im so pleased you like everything i was quite worried about you liking it thanks for posting it on your blog
    hugs xx

  3. Rachel how could I not like them?! I spent weeks druelling over the photos of your hats when you first started making them. I was delighted when I got first prize :D Im just sorry I couldn't post this up straight away... college got in the way :(
