Wednesday, 24 July 2013

First purchase for Hildred House!!

I've been plotting, building and buying for Hildred House really, but nothing worth showing off until now.
A lovely lady called Hazel commissioned me this beautiful picture for the secret nook in Hildred House. You don't know anything about this "nook" yet, because it's a secret ;)

Hazel paints in full scale mainly, but has recently ventured into painting miniatures after one of her customers asked her for a 12th scale miniature painting. She paints in wax, and the effect is marvelous - particularly in miniature.
I asked Hazel for a worn, damaged looking painting that would fit in with a room full old treasures. Hazel created this painting using gold card to achieve the sepia effect and it worked really well!

Click here to check out Hazel's Blog where you can see more examples of her miniature paintings, and there are links and a gallery of her full scale art.

My photo really doesn't do the picture any justice, I'm a crappy photographer!

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

1 comment:

  1. I am so pleased you like your painting, it was great fun to paint this special Lady miniature commission for you.

    I look forward to seeing Hildred House in the future

    Art In Wax
