Friday, 22 July 2011

Preparing For Christmas, Already!

Over the past couple of weeks, I have started my preparations for Christmas, in miniature scale!
My Etsy shop (Diddies) has been empty and closed for quite some time! At last, I have re-opened and I thought I would share with you what I have been up to!

I absolutely adore this prep. board. I spent days making, and remaking, most of what you see here. The first board I made, I decided was too big. The pastry was then the wrong colour. I didn't like the look of the mince meat I made. The colours of the book weren't clear enough, and then I kept ripping the flour bag. In the end, I think I came out on top with a gorgeous little mince pie prep. board that I am so proud of!
I hope you like it! :)

Next up I decided to make some cookies. I had a bit of practise with making cookies last Christmas, but this time around I think I've really improved! I love the little gingerbread men and the candy cane really finishes off this plate!

More Gingerbread Men!! :)

Hehe, these were so much fun to make! I made lots of mince pies with the intention of displaying them on this plate, to go as a possible set with the other two. I had a bit of mince meat and pastry coloured clay left over from the prep. board, so I decided to add a bitten into mince pie. I coloured these with chalks and watery paint and I think the effects are wonderful! I adore this item, I hope you do too! :)

Now I'm all Christmas-ed out this week, so I'm going to get back to the bakery and get some progress made there!

Have a great day everyone!
